Is affiliate marketing easier and more efficient than an offline business.If you are like many others at the moment, freighted about losing your job, not sure how you are going to pay the bills at the end of the Month. You mite just be thinking about building your own business, be it online or offline. I would like to mention a few advantages that affiliate marketing has over a conventional business, it does not matter what you are going to be selling, it all boils down to peoples needs, be it on or offline.Which niche is the best for me?How many times have you been told: You have to find a niche, a niche that you are interested in and have some basic knowledge about what you are going to be selling. Yes, that is quite true if you are building an offline business, having to speak to customers about maybe some tech stuff or do a calculation for a heating system etc. etc. If some one wants to buy some thing nowadays where do 85% start looking? They start doing research online, trying to find the best or maybe just the cheapest offer.How many people shop online?Once they have a good offer, they mite phone the local business (you) and try to get a better price. Who do you think is going to win? If you are a great salesman you chances are fair, if you are not a master in your niche you are going to lose. How many of us are great sales men? One out of 30 are really good at there job (mainly self employed), the rest do not give 120% to win you as a customer.Advantages, affiliate marketing.Ok, on the other hand you have an online business let’s just call it affiliate marketing for the moment. Do you have to be a master of your niche? No you do not; you can sell anything online without having any knowledge what so ever. Let me give you an example from my past on going experience.I have been selling wine for the past 22 years, 20 offline and 2 years through an online shop. The first 20 years was more or less door to door, 12 – 14 hours a day 6 days a week, the last 2 years with my online shop, it took nearly a Month to set up and before the first customers started ordering. I am not making as much online as offline around 35% less but it is more or less setup and running on its own! At the end of the day the money made is nearly the same due to the fact that I have fewer bills to pay i.e. Petrol, Hotel and a few other things.Having more time on my hands, I started to dabble at affiliate marketing, not easy to start with but once you find the right niche and how to advertise your offer it’s fantastic. What do I sell online, books (real books), wine of course, information products, mobile phones, Ariel’s for cars or houses and Internet Marketing tools. Oh! Nearly forgot, ClickBank products. The only niche that I am a master of is the wine niche, all the others are just copy and paste, I build 3 – 5 new websites a week, put them online and let them run on there own. That’s the beauty of affiliate marketing or online business in general, if you have no luck with one, go to the next. I love it.Well folks, that was just a small insight as to what I am up to there will be more to come soon.Get started today, build you affiliate marketing business the easiest way possible, just follow others that are successful and do what they do.
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